
Steam Cleaning Your Carpet & Why it’s Important to Hire an Expert

According to HomeGuide.com, commercial carpet costs between $2 to $12 per square foot installed, depending on the carpet type. Commercial wall-to-wall carpeting costs between $5 to $12 per square foot, while carpet tiles cost $2 to $11 per square foot. Many office buildings in Lancaster, Pa. select commercial carpet as their flooring of choice, because it’s a durable surface […]

Kitchen/Breakroom Tips: Part 1

Next to the bathroom, the kitchen or breakroom area of your workplace is probably the most frequented area of the office. With so much activity going on in a relatively small and germy space, it’s important to keep this area clean. Regular and thorough break room cleaning brings may benefits: Employee Well-Being  A tidy and […]

How Often Should You Clean Your Floors?

Floors should be cleaned at least once a week. If dirty shoes are walking on your carpet every day, you should vacuum every day. Although this is probably not possible in an office work environment, you should know that small dirt and rock particles can cut the fibers of carpet, making it appear dirty. This […]

How Often Should Walls be Cleaned?

Many people wonder how often they should clean their walls. Annually cleaning most walls is sufficient. However, certain spaces need more attention than others. If you don’t have a fan in your bathroom, wipe walls monthly to avoid soap stains clinging to walls. This will also reduce the possibility of mold growing. Kitchens can benefit from […]

Win 6 Hours of Free Cleaning!

In July, Angie’s Custom Cleaning kicked off a social media contest to get followers on its new social media accounts: Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram. By simply liking and following us on one of these channels, you can be entered for a chance to win 6 hours of FREE cleaning for use at the location of […]

The Essential Cleaning Services for any Office Environment

Lancaster County is home to many offices and businesses. Although many people think about the cleanliness of their home, they don’t think about how hygienic their workplace is or how often it gets a commercial cleaning. Angie’s Commercial Cleaning offers full-administration cleaning solutions, which includes janitorial services, floor waxing, floor stripping and waxing, office carpet […]


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